Sonobella Fine Jewelry
Always having a passion and love for jewelry, mother and daughter team, Franci and Ashlee, got together to create a hand selected collection of fine and fashion jewelry, accessories, and hand made custom pieces.
We are full service jewelers doing custom design, bridal, repairs and taking tired, dated jewelry and giving them a new life.
We are available for in person appointments or facetime/zoom calls.
Giving Back
Charity and giving back to our community has always been a priority. We not only give back to local schools and organizations we have also teamed up with Concern Foundation a leading Cancer Research Charity. Concern Foundation provides critical funding to post-doctoral cancer researchers focused primarily on cancer genetics, cell biology, and immunology for all forms of cancer prevention and treatment. With the shopping code CONCERN 20% of sales go directly to the cause and offer free shipping on these purchases.
Every March we team up with Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA) for their "Make March Matter" Campaign. We donate 15% of our monthly sales to this incredible organization.

Contact Us
We are available via text or email 818.425.7834 sonobellafinejewelry@gmail.com.